
Rise of the Technocrat

a metal opera

Movement I: The Loss
In a world filled with love and warmth, a man’s idyllic life is shattered when a tragic event takes his wife and child from him. Overcome with despair and helplessness, his heart turns to stone. Embracing thoughts of revenge and justice, he vows to fight against the corruption and scams that led to his loss.

Movement II: The Rise
Operating outside the law, he begins to fund his vision of justice, navigating the moral complexities of his choices. As he develops advanced technology, he gains influence and forms a covert network of resources and followers. However, a betrayal by a close ally tests his resolve, pushing him to new ethical limits and sparking his infamous rise.

Movement III: The Conquer
Launching his plan, he uses technology to expose corruption and eliminate scams, transforming society amidst chaos and rebirth. As his methods become more authoritarian, he sacrifices freedom for safety, descending into tyranny for the greater good. A climactic battle ensues against those who oppose him, both within and outside his regime, highlighting the costs of his ambitions.

Epilogue: The Legacy
Reflecting on his journey, he questions whether he truly represents justice or has become the monster he sought to destroy. The haunting melody of the epilogue encapsulates the duality of his legacy, leaving the audience to ponder the price of justice and the impact on society—has he created a utopia or a dystopia?

Movement I: The Loss

1. Prelude: The Shattered Dream

[Intro: climatic solo]

Verse 1
In a house of laughter, under a starlit dome,
I built a kingdom, I called it home.
With every heartbeat, love spun a thread,
Together we danced, sweet visions ahead.

Chorus 1
But shadows creep in the light of the dawn,
A nightmare awakening, and all hope is gone.
Dreams turned to ashes, just memories to keep,
The laughter now fades, into silence so deep.

2. The Tragedy Strikes

Verse 2
One fateful evening, darkness spilled through the door,
Whispers of terror, the world I adored.
A flash and then silence, screams in the air,
Shattered my soul, as I gasped for despair.

Chorus 2
In the ruins of love, I stood all alone,
With fragments of joy turned to cold, crumbling stone.
They took my family, they ripped out my heart,
In the dead of that night, love and I fell apart.

[Climatic solo]

3. A Heart Turned to Stone

Verse 3
Despair became fire, igniting the rage,
A heart once so tender, now spins in a cage.
The world wears a mask, deception they wear,
As vultures circle, I find strength in my despair.

Chorus 3
A man forged in sadness, transformed by the pain,
In shadows, I wander, consumed by disdain.
I rise from the ashes, let justice be my guide,
In the name of my loved ones, I cannot abide.

[Breakdown: climatic solo]

4. The Vow

Verse 4
“No more shall I falter, no more shall I bend,
I’ll topple the tyrants, I’ll fight till the end.
With science as my weapon, I’ll banish the lies,
For love lost and vengeance, I’ll sever the ties.”

Chorus 4
In the name of the fallen, in the blaze of their light,
I’ll carve out a future, out of darkness, out of night.
No parasite shall thrive; no fraud will remain,
For the world shall see justice rise from the pain!

[Fugue solo and Breakdown]

Verse 1
In a house of laughter, under a starlit dome,
I built a kingdom, I called it home.
With every heartbeat, love spun a thread,
Together we danced, sweet visions ahead.

Chorus 1
Well, shadows creep in the light of the dawn,
A nightmare awakening, and all hope is gone.
Dreams turned to ashes, just memories to keep,
The laughter now fades, into silence so deep.

[Climatic solo]

Verse 2
One fateful evening, darkness spilled through the door,
Whispers of terror, the world I adored.
A flash and then silence, screams in the air,
Shattered my soul, as I gasped for despair.

Chorus 2
In the ruins of love, I stood all alone,
With fragments of joy turned to cold, crumbling stone.
They took my family, they ripped out my heart,
In the dead of that night, love and I fell apart.

[Climatic fugue]

Verse 3
Despair became fire, igniting the rage,
A heart once so tender, now spins in a cage.
The world wears a mask, deception they wear,
As vultures circle, I find strength in my despair.

Chorus 4
In the name of the fallen, in the blaze of their light,
I’ll carve out a future, out of darkness, out of night.
No parasite shall thrive; no fraud will remain,
For the world shall see justice rise from the pain!

In the name of the fallen, in the blaze of their light,
I’ll carve out a future, out of darkness, out of night.
No parasite shall thrive; no fraud will remain,
For the world shall see justice rise from the pain!

[Outro: closure solo]
* * *

Movement II: The Rise

1. Embracing the Shadows

[Intro: climatic solo]

Verse 5
In shadows I flourish, a specter of night,
With whispers of justice, I strategize and fight.
I dance with the devil, I'll play his cruel game,
Funding my vision, igniting the flame.

Chorus 5 + Verse 5 mixed
[Robotic female voice] 
With cunning and guile, I’ll master the mask,
In darkness I thrive, fulfilling my task.
[/Robotic female voice]
I dance with the devil, I'll play his cruel game,
Funding my vision, igniting the flame.

Chorus 5
[Robotic female voice] 
With cunning and guile, I’ll master the mask,
In darkness I thrive, fulfilling my task.
[/Robotic female voice]
I’ll steal from the wealthy, I’ll tear down their greed,
For the vision I nurture, I plant righteous seed.

2. The Technocrat's Dawn

Verse 6
[Female voice]
The dawn of my reign, with technology’s might,
I’ll mold a new order, with circuits and light.
Innovation will flow like a river of dreams,
As I build my dominion, bursting at the seams.
[/Female voice]

Chorus 6
Empires of reason, of logic and thought,
With every invention, my enemies caught.
For knowledge is power, and I hold the key,
In the name of progress, I claim victory!

[Climatic solos]
[Climatic fugue]

3. The Network of Power

Verse 7
With whispers in gutters, my network will spread,
A web of my justice, on which they’ll be fed.
I’ll gather the lost souls, the ones cast aside,
In unity, we’ll march, a merciless tide.

Chorus 7
In shadows we conspire, the powerless rise,
With fire in our hearts and determination’s cries.
For every illicit act, a step towards my goal,
A reckoning I’ll bring, with justice, I’m whole.

4. The Betrayal

Verse 8
But trust can be shattered; betrayal lurks near,
An ally turned traitor, feeding my fear.
They whisper of power, of greed and regret,
A dagger of treachery that I cannot forget.

Chorus 8
In the echoes of laughter, a serpent concealed,
A friendship now splintered, my fate revealed.
Yet through the darkness, I’ll forge my own way,
For once they have wronged me, I’ll not go astray!

[Climatic solo]
[Breakdown: climatic fugue]

Verse 5
In shadows I flourish, a specter of night,
With whispers of justice, I strategize and fight.
I dance with the devil, I'll play his cruel game,
Funding my vision, igniting the flame.

Chorus 5
With cunning and guile, I’ll master the mask,
In darkness I thrive, fulfilling my task.
I’ll steal from the wealthy, I’ll tear down their greed,
For the vision I nurture, I plant righteous seed.

[Climatic fugue]

Verse 6
The dawn of my reign, with technology’s might,
I’ll mold a new order, with circuits and light.
Innovation will flow like a river of dreams,
As I build my dominion, bursting at the seams.

Chorus 6
Empires of reason, of logic and thought,
With every invention, my enemies caught.
For knowledge is power, and I hold the key,
In the name of progress, I claim victory!

[Climatic fugue]

Verse 7
With whispers in gutters, my network will spread,
A web of my justice, on which they’ll be fed.
I’ll gather the lost souls, the ones cast aside,
In unity, we’ll march, a merciless tide.

Verse 6
The dawn of my reign, with technology’s might,
I’ll mold a new order, with circuits and light.
Innovation will flow like a river of dreams,
As I build my dominion, bursting at the seams.

Chorus 6
Empires of reason, of logic and thought,
With every invention, my enemies caught.
For knowledge is power, and I hold the key,
In the name of progress, I claim victory!

[Climatic solo]

Verse 6
The dawn of my reign, with technology’s might,
I’ll mold a new order, with circuits and light.
Innovation will flow like a river of dreams,
As I build my dominion, bursting at the seams.

Chorus 6
Empires of reason, of logic and thought,
With every invention, my enemies caught.
For knowledge is power, and I hold the key,
In the name of progress, I claim victory!

[Climatic fugue]

Verse 7
With whispers in gutters, my network will spread,
A web of my justice, on which they’ll be fed.
I’ll gather the lost souls, the ones cast aside,
In unity, we’ll march, a merciless tide.
* * *

Movement III: The Conquer

1. Society Under Siege

[Intro: orchestral opening]

Verse 9
[Female voice]
With vengeance ignited, my plans take their flight,
I unleash the truth, let chaos ignite.
I’ll tear down the walls, of corruption and lies,
In fires of justice, my righteous storm flies.
[/Female voice]

[Metal opening]

Chorus 9
In the ruins of greed, new order shall rise,
With the truth as my weapon, I will be the prize.
The parasites tremble as I take the throne,
For my vision will conquer, and justice is sown!

[Climatic solo]

2. The Iron Fist

Verse 10
[Female voice]
Yet power consumes, and the lines start to blur,
In wanting for justice, my heart begins to stir.
I cloak myself in tyrannies, once fought with disdain,
But for the greater good, will I wear such a chain?
[/Female voice]

Chorus 10
Kneel before the iron, let order unfold,
In the name of my vengeance, with iron and gold.
For I am the master, but the master may fall,
In the name of justice, will I conquer us all?

[Climatic solo]

3. The Final Showdown

Verse 11
A clash of ideals now erupts in the night,
With foes gathering strength, they rise up to fight.
But I stand undaunted, with science in hand,
Redemption or doom — together we stand!

Chorus 11
In the heat of the battle, I face my own strife,
As curses and blessings entwine in my life.
I’ll challenge their essence, no mercy to be found,
For I am the lion, in my kingdom, I’m crowned!

[Climatic solo]

4. The Paradox of Power

Verse 12
[Female voice]
Yet as I look down from this gilded high tower,
I ponder the cost, the price of my power.
Have I become just what I swore to destroy?
In the name of the fallen, where’s my once bright joy?
[/Female voice]

Chorus 12
In the silence that follows, I crave what was lost,
In the name of justice, what lines have I crossed?
For power can shatter the purest of dreams,
And in the end, darkness still silently screams.


Verse 9
[Female voice]
With vengeance ignited, my plans take their flight,
I unleash the truth, let chaos ignite.
I’ll tear down the walls, of corruption and lies,
In fires of justice, my righteous storm flies.

Chorus 9
In the ruins of greed, new order shall rise,
With the truth as my weapon, I will be the prize.
The parasites tremble as I take the throne,
For my vision will conquer, and justice is sown!
[/Female voice]

[Climatic solo]

Verse 10
[Female voice]
Yet power consumes, and the lines start to blur,
In wanting for justice, my heart begins to stir.
I cloak myself in tyrannies, once fought with disdain,
But for the greater good, will I wear such a chain?

Chorus 10
Kneel before the iron, let order unfold,
In the name of my vengeance, with iron and gold.
For I am the master, but the master may fall,
In the name of justice, will I conquer us all?
[/Female voice]

[Climatic solo]

Verse 11
A clash of ideals now erupts in the night,
With foes gathering strength, they rise up to fight.
But I stand undaunted, with science in hand,
Redemption or doom — together we stand!


Chorus 11
[Female voice]
In the heat of the battle, I face my own strife,
As curses and blessings entwine in my life.
I’ll challenge their essence, no mercy to be found!

Verse 10
Yet power consumes, and the lines start to blur,
In wanting for justice, my heart begins to stir.
I cloak myself in tyrannies, once fought with disdain,
But for the greater good, will I wear such a chain?

Chorus 10
Kneel before the iron, let order unfold,
In the name of my vengeance, with iron and gold.
For I am the master, but the master may fall,
In the name of justice, will I conquer us all?
[/Female voice]

Verse 11
A clash of ideals now erupts in the night,
With foes gathering strength, they rise up to fight.
But I stand undaunted, with science in hand,
Redemption or doom — together we stand!

Chorus 11
[Female voice]
In the heat of the battle, I face my own strife,
As curses and blessings entwine in my life.
I’ll challenge their essence, no mercy to be found,
For I am the lion, in my kingdom, I’m crowned!
[/Female voice]

[Final rush]

Verse 12
[Female voice]
Yet as I look down from this gilded high tower,
I ponder the cost, the price of my power.
Have I become just what I swore to destroy?
In the name of the fallen, where’s my once bright joy?

Chorus 12
In the silence that follows, I crave what was lost,
In the name of justice, what lines have I crossed?
For power can shatter the purest of dreams,
And in the end, darkness still silently screams.
[/Female voice]

[Outro: climatic ending]
* * *

Epilogue: The Legacy

Verse 13
[Female voice]
In the ashes of triumph, I linger alone,
Debating the choices that led to this throne.
A savior or monster, they’ll judge my cruel reign,
As the story unfolds, echoing the pain.
[/Female voice]

[Metal opening]

Chorus 13
In whispers of justice, my name shall reside,
In the hearts of the fallen, my visions collide.
In shadows, I wander, questioning my path,
For the technocrat struggles, in power and wrath.

[Climatic solos]

Chorus 13
[Female voice]
In whispers of justice, my name shall reside,
In the hearts of the fallen, my visions collide.
In shadows, I wander, questioning my path,
For the technocrat struggles, in power and wrath.
[/Female voice]

Chorus 13
[Duet Vocals]
In whispers of justice, my name shall reside,
In the hearts of the fallen, my visions collide.
In shadows, I wander, questioning my path,
For the technocrat struggles, in power and wrath.
[/Duet Vocals]

[Ending fugue]
[Outro: orchestral metal closure]

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Rise of the Technocrat is a metal opera created by Arlequin. Generated with Suno, edited with Audacity, processed with Audio Editor from Sept. 8 to sept. 10, 2024.