
Arlequin's Music

Out on September, 20th:

Pre-listen to an extract: Chasing the Horizon

On stormy Waters - September, 04 2024

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Track List:

  1. On stormy waters 0.00
  2. Ecos del Tiempo 1.56
  3. Gaoith na Gcnoc 5.54
  4. Sirtaki 7.31
  5. Heart of Boadicea 11.31
  6. A la sombra del teocalli 15.29
  7. Amazing Voyages 16.40

Tracks Descriptions

On stormy waters: This piece conjures feelings of tumult and turbulence, reflecting the emotional challenges encountered during difficult times. The fast arrangement enhances the sense of movement and uncertainty, simulating the ebb and flow of stormy seas through its melodic dynamics.
Ecos del Tiempo: This song invites listeners into a reflective space, where echoes of the past resonate. The acoustic instrumentation adds a layer of intimacy, creating soft, haunting melodies that encourage contemplation about memories and the enduring passage of time.
Gaoith na Gcnoc: This title, which means "The Wind of the Hills" in Irish, creates an energic connection to Nature and the rememnbrances of Old Times. The sweeping guitar melodies evoke images of rolling hills and the refreshing breeze, celebrating the energy of Nature.
Sirtaki: An iconic piece associated with Greek culture, Sirtaki embodies joy and celebration. Its acoustic arrangement captures the essence of traditional dance, inviting listeners to feel the infectious spirit of a festive Greek gathering.
Heart of Boadicea: This piece pays tribute to Boadicea, the legendary warrior queen of the Iceni tribe. With powerful, stirring melodies, the piano and flute arrangements evokes themes of strength, resilience, and heroism, embodying the fierce spirit of a leader.
A la sombra del teocalli: Meaning "In the Shadow of the Teocalli," this song reflects a deep appreciation for Mesoamerican heritage. The acoustic interpretation weaves together serene melodies that evoke the beauty and mystery of ancient cultures and their landscapes.
Amazing Voyages: This piece is about the awe of interior journeys, depicting the emmotional journey of the Hero across spaces and times. across vast landscapes or through time. The repetitive guitar themes, the solos and the heart-wrenching final guitar sequence inspire inner discovery.

Lotus of the Soul - August, 24 2024

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Track List:

  1. Lord Shiva 0:00
  2. Guardians of Varanasi 2:57
  3. Lotus of the Soul 4:11
  4. Circles of Samsara 5:23
  5. Om Namah Shivaya 9:26
  6. Raga of the Warrior 10:33
  7. Kali's Fury 13:42
  8. Shiva's Dance 15:27

Tracks Descriptions

Lord Shiva: An entrancing opener that weaves traditional Indian melodies with heavy metal riffs. Arlequin captures the essence of Lord Shiva with deep, reverberating tones that evoke the dancer’s grace and the thunderous power of creation and destruction. A must-listen for anyone appreciating the divine in sound!
Guardians of Varanasi: This track serves as a tranquil exploration of Varanasi’s sacred spirit. The long melodic solos mimic the mesmerizing flow of the Ganges, while the crescendos of guitar build up like waves, symbolizing the guardians watching over the ancient city.
Lotus of the Soul: The title track is a brief but deep ethereal journey into the heart of existence. Marrying haunting melodies with a powerful metal backdrop, it embodies the spiritual ascent depicted by the lotus flower. This piece is both uplifting and grounding, leaving you with a sense of enlightenment.
Circles of Samsara: Arlequin’s experimental metal riffs shine here, capturing the cyclical nature of life with a blend of hypnotic metal riffs and explosive soloing. The duality of calm and chaos reflects the themes of reincarnation, making it both introspective and exhilarating.
Om Namah Shivaya: Taking listeners high into the mystic realm, this track pays homage to Shiva. The meditative theme spirals into an exhilarating crescendo, creating an atmosphere of worship that feels timeless and transcendent.
Raga of the Warrior: A powerful tribute to the brave, this track infuses traditional raga influences with robust metal riffs. The driving rhythm and the vivid solos evoke the heart of a warrior preparing and rushing for battle, balancing strength and reverie beautifully. A thrilling addition to the album.
Kali's Fury: This piece is dark, fierce, and gripping — a reflection of the goddess Kali herself. The aggressive riffs and chaotic melodies create a visceral experience, embodying wrath with an underlying thread of justice and transformation. A standout that demands your attention.
Shiva's Dance: The closing track encapsulates the divine dance of creation and dissolution. The intricate layering transports you through rhythmic phases that evoke excitement and serenity. A fitting end to an album that moves seamlessly through the spiritual and the primal energies of life.

Arabesque - August, 6 2024

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Track List:

  1. Along the Ziggurat 0:00
  2. Arabesque 3:33
  3. Bitterness Tenderness 07:37
  4. I'll reach for you 09:05
  5. Spinning round 10:42
  6. Gordian Knot 12:47
  7. Serpents of Light 16:51
  8. Tenderness Bitterness 20:54

Tracks Descriptions

Along the Ziggurat: a haunting introduction that evokes a sense of ancient mystery, building into a more powerful passage. The title suggests a journey or ascent, likely represented by evolving dynamics and intricate guitar work that mirrors climbing up the architectural marvel of a ziggurat.
Arabesque: this composition likely embodies the essence of the album. Expect a rich tapestry of intertwining melodies, with both melodic metal riffs and virtuosistic neoclassicisms showcasing the ornate intricacy associated with arabesque designs, creating a balance between aggression and beauty.
Bitterness Tenderness: explores contrasting emotions through its structure. Metal riffs and virtuosistic solos represent bitterness, while softer, melodic themes sections embody tenderness. The duality captured in this track reflects introduces its counterpart at the end of the album.
I'll reach for you: an elegant and soft country track with joyful and tender acoustic lead, notably introduces the joyful and positive aspects of Life.
Spinning round: a homage to Joy and Positivity, made up of melodic solos with an immediate 'touch and feel' rhythm.
Gordian Knot: another excursion into middle-eastern atmospheres and technical complexity and circularity. This music is intended as a sort of response to the title track.
Serpents of Light: a haunting, circular and heavy instrumental with powerful and persuading rhythmic guitars.
Tenderness Bitterness: this is a sort of answer to Bitterness Tenderness, featuring the same contrasting structure but with more melodic rhythmic themes and solos.

Distant Fields - July, 20 2024

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Track List:

  1. Forever Searching 0:00
  2. Hypnos 2:01
  3. We shall prevail 4:18
  4. By my side 5:13
  5. By your side 6:33
  6. Distant Fields 8:19
  7. Arlequin 12:20
  8. In every Picture 15:12

Tracks Descriptions

Forever Searching: Pure classical music in metal version, with piano intro and outro and daring neoclassical guitar fugues.
Hypnos: The title says it all... hypnotic circular acoustic guitar music, with a slight Greek flavor.
We shall prevail: Short cinematic rock interlude, a sort of short soundtrack to keep you company while driving or working.
By my side: Together with the following track it constitutes an emotional acoustic 'call and response'.
By your side: Together with the previous track it constitutes an emotional acoustic 'call and response'.
Distant fields: The title track: an epic, melodic and poignant experience. After an introductory solo part, halfway through the track a long rhythmic blanket will thrill you, taking you to visit 'distant lands'.
Arlequin: Pure neoclassicisms here, enough said! In this masterpiece, Arlequin puts Malmsteen, Jason Becker, David T. Chastain and Vinnie Moore together in the same blender... With a delicate squeeze of Beethoven and Paganini.
In every picture: Poignant ballad for piano and electric guitar, almost cinematic. A little bit of Gary Moore, a little bit of Michael Schenker, and a lot of Arlequin. The perfect final act for this musical experience.

Eternal Dreams - July, 6 2024

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Track List:

  1. Neon Dreams 0:00
  2. I will break free 1:57
  3. Heartstrings 5:13
  4. Chasing Dreams 7:19
  5. How We grow 10:23
  6. Spring Breeze 12:23
  7. Eternal Dreams 14:26

Tracks Descriptions

Neon Dreams: A vibrant and futuristic opener, with electronic sounds that evoke the pulsating atmosphere of a city lit by neon lights. This track introduces the listener to a dreamlike and technological world.
I Will Break Free: An anthem to Freedom and Determination, characterized by energetic rhythms and powerful melodies. This track embodies the strength of Will and the desire to overcome any obstacle.
Heartstrings: An emotional ballad that tugs at the heartstrings. With sweet melodies and delicate harmonies, this track explores the deepest feelings and human connections.
Chasing Dreams: A sonic journey that represents the relentless pursuit of one's dreams. Fast rhythms and inspiring melodies guide the listener through a path of aspirations and hopes.
How We Grow: A reflective track that explores the theme of personal growth. The melodies gradually evolve, representing the process of maturation and inner development.
Spring Breeze: A light and refreshing track, which evokes the feeling of a spring breeze. Natural sounds and serene melodies create an atmosphere of Rebirth and Renewal.
Eternal Dreams: The title track of the album, an epic and dreamy piece that concludes the musical journey. With enveloping melodies and majestic arrangements, this track represents the eternity of dreams and aspirations.

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